Thanks for all the support!
You guys inspired me so much, I took it upon myself to go outside again. Yup, poop #2 today 😉 Thanks a million, Skittles
You guys inspired me so much, I took it upon myself to go outside again. Yup, poop #2 today 😉 Thanks a million, Skittles
I didn’t feel like being bothered this morning, all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. Dad finally convinced me to get up and take a little walk out in the fresh air. I was hesitant at first, but reluctantly agreed. Once outside, nature called and I had my first poop since surgery. […]
I had a dream last night that I was chasing a bird in the back yard, dad says my feet were moving at breakneck speed. I was steps away from catching him, and then I woke up. As my eyes opened, I glanced down to be reminded of what had happened to me. Man what […]